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隔离期间流量猛增 YouTube 降低视频画质以缓解网络压力

2020-3-27 08:55| 查看: 2052 |作者: 丹妮|来源: 中国日报网

隔离在家,无论是工作、学习还是娱乐,都离不开网络,最近各大网络平台都迎来了流量的猛增,随之而来的是系统崩溃的风险也加大了。为了减轻网络压力,Youtube 和奈飞都宣布将在未来一个月暂时降低视频默认画质。

隔离在家,无论是工作、学习还是娱乐,都离不开网络,最近各大网络平台都迎来了流量的猛增,随之而来的是系统崩溃的风险也加大了。为了减轻网络压力,Youtube 和奈飞都宣布将在未来一个月暂时降低视频默认画质。

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Videos on YouTube will now default to standard definition for all users worldwide, a step down from the typical high definition that users normally see.

YouTube 网站的视频如今将在全球范围内默认为标清画质,对用户通常看到的高清画质进行下调。

The move is aimed at easing the burden on internet infrastructure as lockdowns and other emergency policies have kept millions at home.


The global change, which was announced and began rolling out on Tuesday, is expected to last for approximately 30 days as millions of people around the globe stay home amid the coronavirus pandemic.

这项面向全球范围的政策于 3 月 24 日宣布并实施,预计将持续大约 30 天,因为新冠肺炎疫情期间全球有数百万人会待在家里。

In a statement, YouTube said the move is meant "to do our part to minimize stress on the system during this unprecedented situation."

YouTube 在一份声明中说,此举是为了 " 在这种史无前例的情况下尽我们的一份力把对系统的压力降到最小 "。

Users will still be able to manually change to a higher resolution on a per-video basis, YouTube told CNN.

Youtube 告诉美国有线电视新闻网说,用户仍然可以在每次播放视频前手动将分辨率调至高清。

YouTube and Netflix previously said they would reduce streaming quality in Europe for a limited time to prevent the internet collapsing under the strain of unprecedented usage due to the coronavirus pandemic.

此前,Youtube 和奈飞曾表示会暂时降低欧洲流媒体视频的画质,以防止由于新冠肺炎疫情带来的前所未有使用压力而导致网络崩溃。

Due to more people working and studying from home, the internet's underlying infrastructure is expected to face "an enormous stress test," industry analysts have told CNN. Even some of the biggest tech platforms are now grappling with a greater challenge in keeping their services up and running amid surging demand.

行业分析师告诉美国有线电视新闻网说,由于更多人在家工作和学习,网络的基础设施将面临 " 巨大的压力测试 "。即使是一些科技平台巨头现在也要应对更大的挑战,在需求量激增的情况下保持服务正常运行。

up and running: 运行正常的

Last week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told reporters that the company's platforms are facing "big surges" in engagement, with traffic patterns exceeding what the company ordinarily sees around the New Year's holiday.

上周,脸书首席执行官马克 · 扎克伯格告诉记者说,脸书的平台正面临使用量的 " 飙升 ",流量已经超过同期新年前后的数据。

On Tuesday, Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, said there is "a lot of usage, a lot of demand" on the service. During an Instagram livestream, Mosseri added that a new feature on Instagram dedicated to showing what users are doing from home — titled Stay Home — was so popular it "almost took down Instagram" in its opening hours.

3 月 24 日,Instagram 总裁亚当 · 莫塞里称,目前 Instagram 服务的 " 使用量和需求量都很大 "。在 Instagram 的一次直播中,莫塞里说,Instagram 有一个名叫 " 在家里 " 的新功能,专门用来显示用户在家做了些什么,这个新功能非常受欢迎,上线才几个小时就 " 差点令 Instagram 系统崩溃 "。

本文最后更新于 2020-3-27 08:55,某些文章具有时效性,若有错误或已失效,请在网站留言或联系站长:17tui@17tui.com
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